Next-generation Digital Bible

For the last few years the Planet 3:16 team has been building and preparing the next generation Bible Study for Kids. At last we are prepared to showcase the power of an Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Enhanced Bible experience starting with the Book of John.

Emersive multiMedia Experience

With the Fusion Kids Bible: Book of John, Kids can use a smartphone or tablet to bring the Bible to life. 

3D Bible Characters come to life and walk kids through key events in the Book as well as ask thought-provoking questions that will get children thinking through what it was like to be in Jerusalem and meet the people whos lives he changed forever.

The Free app comes with a built-in devotional that further enhances the Bible experience.

Fusion Kids Bible: Book of John Features

  • Digital Devotional to enhance Bible reading.
  • Fully Immersive Virtual Reality experiences that help kids understand events during Jesus time as narrated by people who came in contact with him. ” Did you see Jesus heal that man?” “perhaps he is the messiah that we have been waiting for”
  • Amazing Augmented Reality capabilities that will enable 3D characters to be standing on the Bible in front of the child asking thought-provoking questions that will challenge kids to learn more.

In Development

If you are a print Bible publisher who is interested in partnering with us on this exciting project, please contact us today!